On-Line Meetings

All of our meetings are now online via Zoom or Webex. Both provide multiple options:

To navigate all that:

To add or change a meeting, please see the bottom of this page.


Z = Zoom; W = Webex; meeting phones Zoom: 301 715 8592, Webex: 844 297 3062
All Zoom meetings now require passwords; these may be included if you use the link.

Day Time Meeting   Meeting ID Password
Sun 9:00 AM Madison Sun. AM Z 465 335 811 AA
Sun 9:00 AM Breakfast (Literature) W 748 600 407 LowBreakfastClub
Sun 6:00 PM Blue Ridge Speakers Z 893 691 361 566516
Mon Noon Steppin' Up Z 892 1639 3430 133849689
Mon 12:30 PM Out to Lunch Bunch Z 490 048 740 992491
Mon 7:00 PM Bottom Line
(Joe & Charlie)
Z 181 248 517
Mon 7:00 PM Living Serious W 742 067 285 LowLivingSerious
Tue 12:30 PM Out to Lunch Bunch Z 490 048 740 992491
Tue 7:00 PM Orange Women's Step (closed) Z 949 746 956 myavocado
Wed 12:30 PM Out to Lunch Bunch Z 490 048 740 992491
Wed 5:30 PM Orange Women's Z 870 113 675 AA
Wed 7:00 PM S.O.S. (Big Book) W 740 251 218 LowSOSgroup!
Wed 7:30 PM Steppin' Up Z 831 8534 2013 409951036
Thu 12:30 PM Out to Lunch Bunch Z 490 048 740 992491
Thu 7:30 PM Riverside Big Book Z 314 675 236
Thu 6:00 PM BRSG Steps & Traditions Z 849 970 579 670691
Fri 12:30 PM Out to Lunch Bunch Z 490 048 740 992491
Fri 7:00 PM TNT (12 & 12) W 748 704 227 LowTNTgroup!
Fri 7:30 PM Culpeper W 621 762 387 M5HxrXpjJ49
Sat 7:00 AM Any Lengths Z 237 465 212
Sat 8:00 PM Orange Fellowship Z 197 397 460 AA